As a minimum look for a 3 star (4 star or higher is suggested) hotel in a good location near Center Strip or Cit圜enter. A decent room will help you achieve this and a bad room can just have the opposite effect on your all-important self-image. After all, you want to appear confident and smooth when meeting the ladies. It can make it difficult to get a good nights rest so you look and feel your best. Staying in a cheapo room with cracking walls, a bad shower, low water pressure, noise, dirt, etc., is just going to start things off in the wrong direction. You can only be gambling and going out so many hours per day and will need a room you like to crash and recharge for the night and afternoon. You will be spending a lot of time in your room, even if you don’t think so before you go to Vegas. Don’t be too cheap … a bunch of people staying in one room to save money is no fun and will ruin your trip. $100-$200 per night is often closer to the average for a reasonable hotel. $20 rooms are no longer the norm except for certain times during Christmas and Summer. The only exception is if you gamble and get “comps” (see next tip regarding comps). Las Vegas is no longer a cheap place to stay and eat. A great guide for meeting women in Vegas and having a great “boys night out trip!”